Helpful dashboard features
Once you’ve managed to pull your data into your dashboard you may be looking for ways you can enhance things so that your data communicates what you need it to. Here are some features within Geckoboard that can help you.
Let anyone viewing your dashboard know that metrics are related by grouping them together in a logical way.
To group your widgets:
If you are working with numbers that require action when they reach a tipping point then status indicators are a great option. Applying status indicators to your widgets will flag when a number hits a warning (red) or celebration (green) state. Status indicators can be applied to number or gauge widgets.
Apply status indicators to your widgets:
When you’re working towards a target, applying a goal to your widgets can clearly highlight the progress you’ve made and alert you when you’ve reached it. Goals can be applied to number widgets, column, bar and line charts.
Apply goals to your widgets:
For Spreadsheets, Databases and Datasets widgets, you’ll find the goal within the visualization once you hit the Edit button.