Most Common Issues
What are Most Common Issues?
Most Common Issues calculates the volume of tickets received on a particular topic.
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How to calculate Most Common Issues:
To calculate this metric, you just need to tag the most common issues your customers experience e.g. signup issues, cancellations issues, feature not loading. Count all the tickets you receive per issue over a period of time e.g. day, week, month, quarter and you will have a better understanding of what the main pain points are that customers experience.
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Identifying the most common issues has a cross team impact. For example, a high volume of tickets raised about a particular feature could prompt the product development team to redesign the feature or the customer support team to anticipate a high number of cancellation requests from customers who use that feature.
For smaller volumes of tickets on a particular topic, it may be useful to expand the time period in order to identify any trends that may impact the business as a whole.