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Designing and Building Dashboards: The Ultimate Guide to Data Visualizations, Part 2

This is the second of two posts where we look at the most effective data visualizations and describe...

UK SMEs Growth Stunted by Failure to Identify and Track Key Metrics [SURVEY RESULTS]

In the startup world, we all love to learn what separates a thriving business from those that crash...

Why Goal-Focused Teams are Essential for High-Growth Companies

Imagine what would happen if the members of a rowing team were each trying to go a different...

The KPI Waterfall: How to Make Your Entire Company Goal-Focused

As a company grows, it’s easy to lose focus on the primary business objective. Each team ends...

Interview with a Startup Co-Founder: How Tracking KPIs Could Have Saved LayerVault

Success stories are always inspiring, but sometimes we learn the most from failures - our own and from...

Customer Support: 6 Metrics and KPIs to Improve Self-Service

Editor's note: this is a guest post by Adam Rogers, content marketer at Kayako. The more...

6 Hacks for Creating a Transparent Culture at Your Company

It’s easy enough to talk about having a transparent culture and the benefits are certainly compelling. Transparency...

Choosing Metrics: How to Keep Your KPIs Simple

KPIs are the business equivalent of a compass. They show where your company is headed (orientation) and how...

Benchmarks: how to set challenging but realistic business goals

Imagine you want to breed bunnies. (Why not? Bunnies are adorable!) If you don’t know how quickly...

Turn your Salesforce reports into live TV dashboards to inform your team

Salesforce reporting basics: building, aggregating, segmenting and formatting reports

The Salesforce reporting feature is really powerful. However, if you’re just starting out, it can also be...

How to Use Iterative Design to Keep Your Dashboard Relevant

Imagine having a dashboard with beautiful, easy-to-read visualizations and data from five years ago that’s for a...

Share your goals, metrics, and data on a live dashboard

Geckoboard is the easiest way to make key information visible for your team.

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