Sales Pipeline Dashboard Example

What is a sales pipeline dashboard?

A pipeline dashboard allows sales teams to get an overall view of their sales activity metrics and KPIs. Used by both the sales team and the Sales Manager, a pipeline dashboard shares how deals are progressing through various stages of the buyer journey.

By sharing metrics around sales activities, the Sales Manager is able to identify which activities are more likely to contribute to sales reps closing deals.

For the Sales Reps, having activity broken down into specific activity-based KPIs allows them to focus on the tasks that will help them close more deals.

A sales pipeline dashboard can also contribute to healthy competition among Sales Reps when it includes individual performance.

  1. Sales pipeline dashboard

    This sales pipeline dashboard breaks activity down into two timeframes. The top half of the dashboard focuses on activities the sales team has undertaken in the past week. By including metrics such as first contacts made, demos by rep and closed deal performance the Sales Reps are able to see when they’re going to hit target, or when they need to up their game.

    Using a leaderboard for demos by rep is a great way to motivate team members to complete a sales activity that’s known for increasing conversion rate. Leaderboards are a helpful tool for healthy competition; everyone will be vying for the top spot!

    The lower half of the dashboard focuses on performance over the quarter and specifically breaks down the pipeline into a bar chart. This is a good way of visualizing how deals are moving through the various stages in your purchasing process and buyer journey. It allows the Sales Manager to see if any stage is slowing down or blocking deals moving forward.

    Including longer term metrics such as close ratio and average cycle length remind the whole team of their goals. When focused on day to day activity, it can be easy to forget that you’re aiming to keep certain metrics with specific boundaries.

    By using status indicators, seen on the closed deals this week and average deal value, you’re able to highlight critical changes to KPIs. In this case, ‘deals closed for the week’ isn’t hitting their goal of $15,000 (yet) and the average deal value needs to increase in order for them to exceed their quarterly sales target.

    • Focus area

      Sales activities, sales pipeline

    • Who looks at it?

      Sales Team, Sales Manager, Sales Director

    • How often?


    • SalesforceGoogle Sheets

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