Product updates

Revamped Aircall data source

We’re very excited to have shipped a new, revamped Aircall data source, bringing faster updates, new metrics and filters and the addition of Interactive View, making it even easier to keep on top of live queues using Geckoboard.

Read on for more detail, or check out this quick video summarising what’s new!

Really real-time updates

Aircall widgets built with our new integration now update the instant a call is made or when a user’s availability changes. This upgrade means teams can now see a truly real-time view of activity across their queues on desktop, mobile and TV.

New live queue metrics

To make the most of this speed upgrade, our integration now supports several new metrics to help you monitor live queue activity: active calls, calls waiting, connected rate, longest call waiting and answer rate. We’ve also expanded the range of user statuses so you can now instantly see which specific users are online, offline, currently on a call, engaged in after-call work or set to do not disturb.

Filter by tag and team

Visualize more specific numbers with these two new filters, available on most metrics.

Improved widget-building experience

Building an Aircall widget now feels a lot more intuitive, and takes fewer clicks, with metrics now organized into categories spanning all calls, inbound calls, outbound calls, queue and agent metrics.

Drill down using Interactive View and see source data

Our revamped integration now supports Interactive View and Source data, allowing dashboard Admins to quickly investigate changes to an Aircall metric by drilling in to different dimensions and time periods, and seeing which calls have impacted the data. You can export call lists for further analysis as a .CSV file too.

How to access the new version

If you are already using Geckoboard’s Aircall data source we encourage you to migrate existing Aircall widgets over to the new version as soon as possible for the best experience going forwards.

If you’re new to Geckoboard, sign up for a free 14 day trial here, select the Aircall integration and follow the instructions to set up a connection.