Add titles to your TV-optimized dashboard
We’re excited to announce you can now add titles to your TV-Optimized dashboard to help your organize and communicate your metrics. This is a much-needed addition to our new design layout; if your dashboard is intended for the big screen and you haven’t yet tried our TV-Optimized features, now is the perfect time.
To create a title widget, first add a Text Widget and then resize it to a slim height. The font will become bigger, ensuring it is highly visible on your dashboard. To help better arrange your dashboard, we’ve also added more flexibility to the grid.
We’re confident that our new TV-Optimized layout will help you design your best-ever big-screen dashboard. To give it a go, add a new dashboard and ensure the “Optimize for TV Screen” toggle is switch on. If you want to try it out but don’t have a spare dashboard in your plan, reach out to us via the in-app chat and we’ll provide a free trial dashboard.