Product updates

Salesforce table visualization

Enrich your Salesforce dashboards with our brand new Salesforce table visualization!

Our new table visualization gives you the power to display columns from a tabular Salesforce report on your dashboard, just as they appear in Salesforce. Perfect for communicating more detail such as the names of accounts recently won, the names of opportunity owners, the value of individual deals or any other information or metric that’s set up in your Salesforce reports.


With this power comes responsibility, however. After all, adding whole tabular reports to your dashboard could introduce unnecessary distractions and cause a team to focus on the wrong things. That’s why we’ve made it easy to pick and choose which columns from your report are displayed in a table.

Need to reorder those columns? Just like in our Spreadsheets and Datasets table visualizations you can simply drag and drop them into the order you prefer right within Geckoboard, without affecting your original report.


We’re excited to know what you think!

Real time datasets updates

Our Datasets API just got faster! Push a change to your dataset via our API and your dashboard will now update instantly to reflect your changes. This makes monitoring time-sensitive metrics on your dashboard much more accurate (and exciting!). To get started with real time Datasets, check out our documentation here.

Revamped Map Visualizations

We’ve updated the way map visualizations are displayed to make them much more accurate. If you’re using our Google Analytics, GoSquared or Heroku Dataclips integrations or our legacy Custom Widgets, you’ll notice countries and regions now have a much higher-fidelity outline that more accurately represents geographical boundaries.


Country maps now support states and provinces, outlining them subtly to provide useful context when looking at a data point.

Finally, data points on a map now scale more intelligently, making maps much more legible when displaying several data points.

Let us know what you think!

Table visualization for Datasets (beta)

We’ve had some great feedback on the new table visualization for our Spreadsheets integration, and we’re now making tables available in Datasets. As with Spreadsheets you can now easily visualize raw numbers from a custom dataset in a tabular format on your dashboard. For Datasets though we’ve also added the ability to show a summary view that aggregates your data and groups it around a string or date, giving you more control over what to display.


To try it out, add a Datasets widget and click the table icon. Tables for Datasets is in beta and we’d love your feedback - please send your comments to Enjoy!

Table visualization (beta)

Want to show some of the raw data behind your metrics on your dashboard? We’ve added a table visualization to our Spreadsheets integration that lets you easily display numbers and text from a Google Sheet or Excel file in a tabular format.


To give it a spin, add a Spreadsheets widget and select the Table icon.


The visualization is still in development and we’d love to hear your thoughts on how we could make it better! Send your comments to 🙇🏻

Zendesk Support widget presets

With our new Presets feature it’s now quicker and easier to add the most useful Zendesk Support metrics to your dashboard.

Add a Zendesk Support widget, and you’ll now have the option to have metrics like Customer Satisfaction, Top Ticket Solvers and First Reply Time already preconfigured for you, ready to add to your dashboard in a click.


Presets are a great way to quickly start building useful visualizations, but you still have full control to tweak and adjust your widget (or build your own from scratch) before adding it to your dashboard.

We hope this makes building a great dashboard for your customer success team even easier - let us know what you think!

Zendesk Talk integration

Deliver better, more efficient phone support with our brand new Zendesk Talk integration!

  • Spot bottlenecks in your call queues more easily - our integration supports multiple phone numbers, allowing you to see all your support channels side-by-side.

  • Boost motivation with leaderboards that give your team a quick an easy way to see how they’re performing.

  • Keep important targets front-of-mind throughout the day without having to dig through browser tabs and emails.


Read the launch post to learn more or log in to give it a spin!

Editable labels for number visualization

You can now enjoy more control over your number visualizations with editable labels. Not only are labels closer to the metric and bigger than titles, but using labels can make it far easier to scan and read your dashboard.

Some of our integrations already add default labels – but until now you’ve not been able to edit them. This opens up exciting possibilities because for particular number visualizations it can be more effective to use a label rather than a title. And on larger number widgets you can also add a label to explain the comparison stat.

We can’t wait to see how you use labels on your number visualizations – enjoy!

Editable labels

Number formatting

You can now tweak how a number displays directly from the dashboard. To access the feature, click the “Number formatting” option from a widgets’ menu.

The controls allow you to tailor the abbreviation, number of decimal places, and unit (including emojis!) to what’s appropriate for your metric.

Until now these options were only available from the “Fine-tune” tab in some our newer integrations, but this update brings configurable number formatting to almost all widgets, and it’s quick and easy to access directly from your dashboard.



Drag Resize

We’ve now made it much easier to resize your widgets. No more fixed sizes, simply drag the bottom right corner of any widget. This also means you can now find the edit widget menu from the top right corner.

And the best part? Your widgets can now be any size you like. This gives you much more flexibility over how to arrange your dashboards. Now layouts that were difficult to achieve before are much easier – useful, for instance, if your dashboard is dedicated to one or two widgets.

We’ll be continuing to make big improvements to your favourite widgets in the coming weeks.

Give drag resize a try and let us know what you think.

Drag resize