Product updates

Integrations list improvements

We’ve just given our integrations list a big overhaul!

Updated integrations page

The list now has more structure to make it easier to find what you’re looking for. The new Recent Connections section gives you quick access to the services you’ve used most recently, and the Dashboard Tools section is home to non-data things such as the Clock, Text and Image widgets.

Lower-than goals

Sometimes you want things to go down, not up. If your churn rate goal is 5%, we’re fairly sure you wouldn’t think being at 10% was a success 📉

We now allow you to specify that your goal is to be lower than a particular value on our Spreadsheets, Salesforce and Datasets Gecko-meters, and we’ll be adding support to our other visualisations shortly!


See how often a widget updates

We’ve made it easier to check the refresh interval of your widgets, which is especially helpful when you’re building a dashboard and want to check things are working as they should.

Find out how often a widget updates by simply hovering over the clock in the widget’s footer.

Widget refresh interval

JIRA widgets

New JQL widgets

We’ve added two new widgets to our JIRA integration, significantly extending what data you can display on your dashboard.

With JQL Ticket Count you can show the number of tickets that match a specific JQL query, and with the JQL Ticket List you can see the details of the tickets.

As they’re based off JQL the possibilities are pretty much endless, but some examples of things you might want to add to your dashboard might be:

  • The specific tickets that are currently being worked on
  • The number of critical bugs
  • The number of issues left in a particular epic


Reverse sort

Sometimes small numbers are better than big ones! We’ve added the ability to reverse how your leaderboards are sorted so they can now be ranked in ascending order. Find the new ‘Reverse sort order’ option in our Spreadsheets, Salesforce and Datasets integrations.

Leaderboard reverse sort

Quickly edit a widget's title and size

It takes experimentation to find the perfect layout for your dashboard. This means frequently changing the size of your widgets, shuffling them around, and adjusting their titles to give the right amount of context to your metrics.

We’ve just made this process a lot easier by enabling you to change the titles and sizes of your widgets directly from the dashboard itself. The sizing options live under the 3-dot menu in a widget’s footer, and you can change the title simply by clicking on it.


Quick access to your connected services

Save time while building your dashboards with quick access to your connections. The updated Add Widget button now provides shortcuts to the 5 data sources you’ve most recently used, as well as the Text and Image widgets!


Append data to a dataset

We’ve just released one of the most highly requested improvements to our Datasets API - the ability to append new records to a dataset without replacing all of the existing ones.

This makes it substantially easier to integrate with data sources that don’t provide access to historic data, as you no longer have to manage that state yourself. Every time you have new data, simply send it to us and we’ll take care of adding and updating the records in your dataset.

Support for the new append method is available in both our Node and Ruby client libraries, and you can read more about how to use it on our developer docs.

Dashboard headings

We’ve just released an update to our text widget that now enables you to add simple, clear headings to groups of widgets, or your dashboard as a whole. Headings have a larger font size than widget titles, and are useful for adding extra context to your metrics that can be seen from a distance.


Within our text widget you’ll now see the option to create headings that are 1, 2, 3 or 4 widgets wide, or ‘full width’ for larger dashboards.

Filter a Dataset

When building a widget from a Dataset, you’ll now be able to apply filters to the underlying data. Filters make it possible to use a single, large dataset to create a variety of more specific widgets.

For example, a Dataset that contained worldwide sales data could be filtered to show ‘Total Sales from US and UK’, or ‘Average deal size for non-US countries’, alongside aggregate statistics such as ‘Total worldwide Sales’.

You can currently filter on string fields, and we plan to support more types soon.